College Consulting

Only about one third of students who enroll in college go on to get their Bachelor’s degree within the specified time frame. Some 40% dwindle or dropout outrightly. So clearly getting admitted into college – as hard as it’s becoming – isn’t the only issue, staying in it is.
At the very least, rising college dropout rates can be ascribed to exponentially increasing tuition fees and cost of living, but students have been known to persevere even during tough times, as long as they’re passionate. So at best, one has to admit that some students aren’t motivated to see their program to the end, either because they didn’t know what they were signing up for, or lacked proper understanding of who they wanted to become and how best to harness their talents.
This is where college consulting comes in.
With the current academic environment being what it is today, i.e less competitive colleges getting “pickier”, getting straight A’s in high school and waiting till your senior year to look into schools won’t cut it. And if you’re lucky enough not to get swamped with school work, the application process will be quite overwhelming – in and of itself. Pair that up with lots of extracurricular activities, volunteer obligations and classes, and you have a panic attack on steroids waiting to happen.
College consulting is premeditated counseling to prevent such anxiety, and to ensure kids get into programs they’re both passionate about and in institutions they’ll be proud to commit to for the long haul. Services offered depend on when the college counselor is hired. The earlier one is hired, the better, since the counselor would be able to shape kids’ academic path into one that’s both rewarding and admissible when the time comes.
College consulting provides students with honest feedback for their top school choices, so they’re either adviced to look elsewhere, or a plan is drafted to ensure they get selected. A good college consulting service would be able to place your child in an academic environment that best suits his or her temperament – both socially and academically.
If there’s anything more daunting about the college admission process, it’s the essays. Because most students struggle with this aspect, college consulting services provide expert guidiance, by providing supportive services – including proofreading and editing – to ensure the individuality of your child stands out, and shines through to the admissions board.
College Financial Aid
Perhaps the most important part of great college consulting service is in their ability to source for financial aid. There’s an unbelievable number of financial aid available, all with some pretty stringent criteria. Searching through them can be like trying to find the metaphorical needle in a hay stack.
Thanks to years of experience, college consulting counselors know where to focus your kids’ application on, and which are likely to come through. Thanks to years of experience (sometimes working with university admission teams), college counselors can mold you or your kid into the type of student top tiers love. Check out the best college consulting services, and their rates.